MacBooks vs Windows Laptops: Which One to Choose in 2023?

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Are you planning to buy a new laptop but can’t decide whether to go for a MacBook or a Windows laptop? This dilemma is not uncommon, as the MacBooks versus Windows laptops debate has been going on for decades. However, with new advances in chip technology, the debate has become more intense and important than ever.

In this article, we’ll explore the key differences between MacBooks and Windows laptops to help you decide which one to buy. We’ll cover various aspects such as build quality, internal specifications, and ecosystem.

MacBooks vs Windows Laptops

MacBooks vs Windows Laptops: Which One to Choose in 2023?

The Importance of Choosing the Right Laptop

The laptop you choose now will greatly influence which accessories you buy, which apps you use, and even what kind of phone you carry. Your entire workflow will depend on the platform you go with, from how you manage windows to keyboard shortcuts. Therefore, it’s not a light decision to make.

The 2020s have been an incredible decade for computing. However, this new era has also made it incredibly difficult for consumers because ecosystems rule everything. It’s not easy to jump from one to the other once you’ve invested money and time into your chosen ecosystem. So, it’s crucial to choose wisely.

Build Quality:

There’s no denying that Apple hits physical hardware out of the park. From a purely aesthetic (and subjective) viewpoint, MacBooks are gorgeous. They look great, and they feel great. That boxy industrial-minimalist design feels as if it’s worth $2,000 or more. Ever since the debut of the M2 MacBook Air in June 2022, every MacBook has followed the same design.

In addition to its aesthetic appeal, a Mac offers an excellent keyboard and trackpad experience. The latest MacBooks have ditched the butterfly keys, and the new keyboard is a dream for coders and writers. Similarly, the Mac trackpad is the best of any laptop, with haptic feedback, accuracy, and swipe gestures that no Windows laptop can match.

Windows laptops, on the other hand, have a wide variety of industrial designs and colors to choose from, giving users more options than MacBooks. However, what you won’t get on any Windows laptop is the same attention to the hinges. While some Windows laptops come close in terms of trackpad quality, none of them can match the Mac trackpad.

Overall, MacBooks are generally the superior laptop when it comes to build quality, at least when you consider the entire range of MacBooks and how uniform that quality is.


When choosing between MacBooks and Windows laptops, you need to consider the kind of computing power you want from your laptop. MacBooks use ARM chips, and these are getting more powerful by the day. They combine graphics and processing into one small chip, which provides extraordinary battery life, and you’ll barely hear the fans spool up.

Windows laptops, on the other hand, mostly use either Intel or AMD processors and Nvidia or AMD graphics cards. This means a greater power draw and lower battery life, and the fans are constantly running. However, it also means more versatility, so you can play more games and download more programs thanks to the x86 architecture.

Both MacBooks and Windows laptops offer incredible computing power, and there is no real difference in what they’re capable of, although you’ll have greater flexibility in choosing from a wider variety of options with Windows laptops. MacBooks offer a sleek design, user-friendly interface, and the ability to run iOS applications, while Windows laptops offer a wider range of pricing options and a greater selection of hardware choices

Additionally, Windows laptops are more commonly used in the business world and are generally more compatible with business software. Ultimately, the decision between a MacBook and a Windows laptop will come down to personal preference, specific needs, and budget. It’s important to do your research and consider your priorities before making a decision.


If you’re in the market for a new laptop, consider the factors outlined in this article, such as build quality, internals, screen quality, and ecosystem, and weigh them against your own priorities. With careful consideration, you can make the right choice and find a laptop that will serve you well for years to come.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • Are MacBooks really worth the price?
While MacBooks are certainly more expensive than many Windows laptops, they offer exceptional build quality, screen quality, and a streamlined ecosystem that many users find worth the extra cost.
  • Can I run Windows on a MacBook?
Yes, it is possible to run Windows on a MacBook using virtualization software such as Parallels or Boot Camp.
  • What are the main differences between MacBooks and Windows laptops? 
MacBooks offer a sleek design, user-friendly interface, and the ability to run iOS applications, while Windows laptops offer a wider range of pricing options and a greater selection of hardware choices.
  • Which one is better for business use? 
Windows laptops are more commonly used in the business world and are generally more compatible with business software.
  • Can I use the same software on both? 
In general, most software is available for both Mac and Windows, but there may be some exceptions.
  • Which one is more expensive? 
MacBooks are generally more expensive than Windows laptops, although there are high-end options available for both.
  • Which one should I choose? 
The decision between a MacBook and a Windows laptop will come down to personal preference, specific needs, and budget. It's important to do your research and consider your priorities before making a decision.

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